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Would You Tell Prospects What You Don’t Offer?

Dec 5, 2019

1 min read



When you’re pitching your services to a prospect, you probably focus on the benefits you can provide. But one author says that being transparent about what you don’t provide may be a more effective way to gain new clients. 

Todd Caponi, author of The Transparency Sale, says consumers today demand transparency, and providing it can make you stand out as trustworthy and strengthen your relationships. He suggests leading with flaws may be the reason a customer will engage with you, work with you, and keep working with you. In short, you should:

Lead with your shortcomings. Your buyer’s brain is preparing for a sales pitch. Disarming their sales filter from the beginning by leading with potential showstoppers versus waiting to address them later in the sales cycle will speed sales cycles, trust building, and put your competitors at a disadvantage.

Make transparency part of your culture. Organizations that make collecting feedback and leading with transparency a core company value will be the victors as the ease with which buyers can find feedback grows. 

Get more tips on how to use the transparent sales technique from Texas REALTOR® magazine.

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