Tips on Moving From the City to the Suburbs
Moving can be difficult in any circumstance, but transitioning from the city to the suburbs can be particularly challenging. Here are tips to help you transition between the two living environments.
Take Time to Adjust
Cities have a lot to offer, such as an abundance of jobs and entertainment. There’s also a certain culture in urban areas that make them special places. While suburbs have positive aspects that cities don’t, it’s normal to miss where you moved from. It may take time to adjust to the new environment, but don’t be too hard on yourself for missing your old stomping grounds.
Get Involved and be Social
Some argue it’s more difficult to meet people in the suburbs versus the city, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. There are plenty of ways to get involved in your new community and meet friends. Getting to know your neighbors is a great way to meet people and build new connections. You could also try going to local coffee shops, sitting at the bar at restaurants, and going to local events to mingle with the community. Another useful tool could also be joining social media groups in your area, such as your new neighborhood’s Facebook Group.
Personalize Your Home
Some say the home becomes a more central part of life in the suburbs compared to cities, so it’s important to make that space one you love. Spend time thinking about what décor, furniture, and personal touches you can add to make yourself comfortable in your new place. Pillows and pictures can add a lot more to a home than you may think—especially if it’s a place you’ll be spending a lot of time at.
Get Used to Driving
Because most cities offer public transportation and many conveniences within walking distance, having to drive places can be a big adjustment to suburban life. Be prepared to pay for gas and vehicle upkeep in your suburban lifestyle.