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Thinking of joining a team? Here’s why that might make sense for you
The model of sales agents leading teams of specialists—such as buyer’s agents, listing coordinators, and inside sales agents—continues to grow, but how you know if joining a team is the right decision for you? We gathered first-hand experience to help you make a decision.
Cindy O’Gorman, team leader of The O’Gorman Group in Dallas:
“Agents who join my team get immediate name recognition. They get more volume and more referrals along with my well-known name. They don’t have to spend their own money on marketing.”
Lance Loken, team leader of The Loken Group in Houston:
“You get to do what you love to do. We have a team of true specialists in each facet. We’re looking at what they want to accomplish, then we put them into the piece of the organization that does what they want to do. My motto is I want to create an organization large enough to incorporate their dreams and aspirations.”
Pat Strong, instructor for the Texas REALTORS®:
“Buyer’s agents who join teams that provide leads get business quickly. There is a lot of fear taken away by the team because you know you’re going to get business.”
Learn more about whether to start your own team, what makes a team, and legal considerations in the August issue of Texas REALTOR® magazine.
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