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The Most Common Fair Housing Complaints Last Year

May 30, 2018

1 min read



The National Fair Housing Alliance’s 2018 Fair Housing Trends Report says the majority of fair housing complaints in 2017 involved discrimination against a person with disabilities, totaling 56.7% of all cases. The report points out discrimination related to disability is easier to detect because the discriminatory action often involves denied requests for reasonable accommodation.

The second most reported type of complaint was discrimination on the basis of race, totaling 18.5% of all cases.

The study also reports that housing discrimination occurs more in the rental market than any other types of real estate transactions, as it’s the most common and frequent type of housing transaction. In 2017, discrimination in rental transactions totaled 17,989 complaints, which makes up 87.4% of all transaction types.

Read the 2018 report and visit to access reports from past years.

#fairhousing #Research

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