The Difference Between Non-Disclosure and Confidential
I recently sold a home that was listed in the MLS and a neighbor called to ask me what the sales price was. Can I tell them?
Yes. If you listed the home or participated in the transaction as the buyer’s broker, you can share the sales price. It is recommended that you get your client’s permission before sharing the sales price.
The MLS rules allow for MLSs to impose the requirement of reporting sales prices to the MLS as long the MLS categorizes sale price information as confidential and limits use to participants and subscribers.
What other brokers who participate in the MLS can do with the sales price information of a home you listed—share it with clients and customers or use it in advertising, for example—depends on your MLS rules. Contact your own MLS for more information.
It is a misconception that a listing broker or buyer’s broker is prohibited from divulging a sales price because Texas is a non-disclosure state. Non-disclosure relates to the ability of government entities such as appraisal districts to compel disclosure of sales prices; it does not mean sales prices are confidential by default. The limitations on use of sales prices stem from the local MLS rules.