Texas Rent Relief Program to Help Renters and Landlords
Starting 8 a.m. Central on February 15, the Texas Rent Relief Program will accept applications from landlords and tenants for help with rent and utility bills. Landlords and tenants can go to texasrentrelief.com or call 833-9TX-RENT (833-989-7368) to create an account and submit their application.
How the program can help: You can apply for funds for tenants’ unpaid rent and utilities (going back as far as March 2020) or future rent and utilities.
How to prepare: Visit texasrentrelief.com now to determine which units might qualify and contact those tenants. The site has a section that outlines who qualifies and the documents needed.
How the program can help: You can apply for funds for your unpaid rent and utilities (going back as far as March 2020) or future rent and utilities.
How to prepare: Visit texasrentrelief.com to see if you qualify. If you do, let your landlord know that you will be applying and gather the required documents.
Although you cannot submit applications before February 15, the website and phone systems are running and available to answer questions. The program is funded by $1.3 billion in emergency rental assistance received by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.