Texas REALTORS® Break Fundraising Records in 2021
Investments in the Texas REALTORS® Political Action Committee (TREPAC) reached record-breaking levels in 2021, thanks to the strong support of tens of thousands of REALTOR® members.
When the 2021 fundraising year ended September 30, TREPAC announced raising $5,822,784 with 44% of members participating. This is the highest dollar amount ever raised, and with the association’s record-high membership, that comes to 58,784 members participating in TREPAC in 2021.
“Texas REALTORS® should be proud of their incredible accomplishment,” said Bill Evans, 2021 TREPAC chairman. “Despite a challenging environment, Texas REALTORS® demonstrated a strong commitment to grassroots political engagement.”
“This total also includes contributions to NAR’s President’s Circle program and the Corporate Ally Program, which shows the many ways REALTORS® support our profession,” Evans said.
TREPAC’s Mission
The mission of the Texas REALTORS® Political Action Committee (TREPAC) is to raise and disburse funds to promote homeownership, protect real property rights, and increase political awareness. These strong fundraising totals in 2021 enable Texas REALTORS® to continue supporting local and state candidates and elected officials who have a proven track record of protecting private property rights, preserving the dream of homeownership, and supporting the vitality of the real estate industry. Learn more at trepac.com.
TREPAC Disclaimer Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to the Texas REALTORS® Political Action Committee (TREPAC) and the Texas Association of REALTORS® Federal Political Action Committee (TAR FedPAC)—which makes contributions to the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC)—are voluntary and may be used for political purposes. The amount indicated is merely a guideline, and you may contribute more or less than the suggested amount. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal, and the National Association of REALTORS®, Texas REALTORS®, and its local associations will not favor or disadvantage anyone because of the amount contributed. Until the RPAC annual goal is met, 70% of an individual’s contribution goes to TREPAC and may be used to support state and local candidates; the remaining 30% is sent to TAR FedPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 52 U.S.C. 30116. (Exception: 100% of an individual’s contribution goes to TREPAC if the individual is an employee of an affiliate member of Texas REALTORS®.) After the RPAC annual goal is met, 100% of an individual’s contribution goes to TREPAC and may be used to support state and local candidates. You may contact the Texas REALTORS® political committee administrator at 512-480-8200 to obtain information about your contributions.