Texas Cities Rank High in List of Top Places to Become Wealthy
Texas cities came in at number one and number 10 in a list of the best places to become wealthy complied by financial planning website SmartAdvisor.
Plano tied for the top place in the list because of its affordability and rate of high-paying jobs. The median housing costs for the city were the lowest of all 100 places surveyed by SmartAdvisor, while 42% of its jobs pay at least $75,000. Its number of high-paying jobs is also growing, with a 5% increase from 2013 to 2017. The unemployment rate is 2.7%, the second lowest in SmartAdvisor’s study.
Austin rose to number 10, with a 6.3% rate of growth for high-paying jobs, the eighth-highest in the study. Just over 28% of jobs in the city offer wages above $75,000, and average earnings grew more than 15% from 2013 to 2017. Housing costs make up 24% of median household income—higher than 18% in Plano and tied with Seattle for the highest figure in the study’s top 10.