Texans Named to NAR 2021 Leadership Positions
Leslie Rouda Smith will serve as NAR president-elect in 2021, and Vicki Fullerton will be NAR Region 10 regional vice president. Congratulations to these members of Texas REALTORS® who were appointed chair or vice chair of an NAR 2021 committee.
Mike Barnett: chair, AEC-AE Institute Advisory Board
James Bell: vice chair, Federal Taxation Committee
Cindi Bulla: chair, State and Local Issues Mobilization Support Committee
David Alan Cox: vice chair, RPAC Trustees Fundraising Committee
Bill Evans: chair, Corporate Investor Council
Sara Gerrish: chair, Smart Growth Advisory Board
Janet Kane: chair, AE Forum and Association Executives Committee
Johnny Mowad: vice chair, MLS Forum
Rebecca Ray: vice chair, Professional Development Committee
Leslie Rouda Smith: vice chair, Executive Committee
Ray Wade: chair, Business Issues Policy Committee
See the full list of national appointments at nar.realtor.