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Take Better Notes When Meeting Clients

Jan 28, 2024

1 min read



Have you ever written yourself a note only to wonder later what it means? Not only is that ineffective but it can also be seen as unprofessional if you get the details wrong. Whether it is on paper, a digital document, an app, or a voice memo, you should make a habit of including important information you may need to know later.

Add the Context

Specify the who, what, and why for the meeting. But don’t stop there. Is the client new? How did they hear about you? And where did you meet up?

Incorporate Dates

If your note was created digitally, a timestamp will be on it. But for a paper document, it can be helpful to state when the note was taken. Also, add any deadlines or other important dates to remember.

Initiate a Plan

Were there unanswered questions or issues that need resolving? Devise an action plan and what follow-up you will need to do. Spell it out as though you are writing it for someone else. The more concise, the better.

Identify the Main Points

Bold or highlight essential takeaways so you can quickly review and get the gist of the note.

Spending more time adding details to your meeting notes will give you more clarity to get the job done right, resulting in a happy client.


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