Texas REALTORS® is advocating for issues to protect homeowners during the 2021 legislative session, including bills that seek to bring transparency and accountability to homeowners associations.
What’s the Issue?
Homeowners associations provide many benefits and value for communities; however, HOAs also have significant, often unchecked, power over their current and potential residents.
Texas REALTORS® joins homeowners seeking reforms to ensure all Texans who live in managed communities receive the same level of transparency and access provided in well-run associations.
HOA Bills in the 2021 Legislature
Your Texas lawmakers are considering a wide range of bipartisan HOA reform bills at the state Capitol, including Senate Bill 1588.
These bills would make several pro-homeowner changes:
Limit how much an HOA and/or HOA management company can charge for a resale certificate fee. There is currently no limit.
Provide HOA members with an appeal process to resolve disputes with the HOA. There is currently no appeal process required.
Increase transparency by requiring HOAs to post their managing documents, meeting notices, agendas, and minutes online for members to access. This is not currently required.
Require HOA management certificates to include a phone number, email address, and website. This is not currently required.
Create a publicly accessible statewide database of HOA information. No such database currently exists.
These REALTOR®-supported bills would ensure HOA operations are transparent, resident-friendly, and provide an appropriate balance between private property rights and agreed-upon community standards.
Where to Tell Your HOA Story
The association is advocating for this legislation, but your experience can help show lawmakers the scope of issues Texans are facing with HOAs.
Visit myhoastory.com to share your experience with HOAs in Texas. You can record or upload a video, record audio, or write remarks that will be submitted to Texas REALTORS®.
Your story—in your own words—can help hold HOAs in Texas more accountable.
Legislative Advertising by Texas REALTORS® | 1115 San Jacinto Boulevard, Suite 200 | Austin, TX, 78701 | Travis Kessler, CEO