Bonus Tip for Brokers These strategies may also help your relationship with agents, especially those new to the industry who may not appreciate how much dedication and hard work it takes to achieve long-lasting success.
What if you could head off clients’ frustrations before they happen? Managing your clients’ expectations can make a big difference in their impressions of the entire real estate transaction. Try these strategies to improve clients’ satisfaction and enhance their impression of you.
Find Out What They Think Will Occur
Once you understand your clients’ expectations, you can address any gaps between what they think will happen and the reality of the market.
Stay Real
There’s nothing wrong with optimism. But you’re not doing your clients—or yourself—any favors if you don’t point out when optimism is actually fantasy. People hire you for your knowledge and expertise. If they won’t listen to you, you may want to spend your time working with clients who will.
Use Data and Stories
For some people, sharing numbers and charts provides a clear picture of the current market. Others learn more from hearing about what happened to other people in similar situations. Try combining statistics and true stories to make sure your points get through to all.
Go Under/Over
You know the strategy to underpromise and overdeliver. To make it work, though, you must realistically assess time frames and capabilities. If you base promises on best-case scenarios, you’ll have a hard time delivering on what you told your clients to expect.
Acknowledge When Things Change
Tell your clients as soon as anything significant changes. Whether it’s an action from another party, a surprise during the inspection, or even a market shift, the longer your client is in the dark, the bigger the disappointment will be.