Run, Walk, or Cheer for the REALTORS® Relief Foundation
After Hurricane Harvey struck the Texas coast, the REALTORS® Relief Foundation helped provide support to thousands of Texans through the Texas REALTORS® Relief Fund, which distributed more than $3 million to those affected by the disaster.
Now, Texans have the opportunity to give back to the REALTORS® Relief Foundation by supporting the 5K Run/Walk/Cheer at the National Association of REALTORS® 2018 Conference on November 3 in Boston. Supporting relief efforts for future disasters is as easy as:
Visiting texasrealestate.com/run
Choosing whether you want to run, walk, or cheer
Creating an account
Selecting Team Texas as your affiliation
Filling in your registration information.
You don’t have to attend the conference or race to contribute. You can choose “cheer/volunteer/run in spirit” to donate from afar. Be sure to still select Team Texas as your affiliation to support the Texas REALTORS® team. Anyone can donate.