New Income Stream for Riverside Landowners
If your clients own riverside properties, they may be able to earn money and increase public access to fishing and paddling.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is asking riverside and streamside landowners to lease part of their properties to the state. Participants may earn $500 to $1,250 per month from the leases, which can last two to three years or more based on use and funding. Landowners should apply by September 30 to receive preference in the 2021 funding cycle.
Since 2012, TPWD has established 24 public river access leases on more than 211 miles of 10 Texas rivers.
“Texas has over 40,000 miles of free-flowing rivers and creeks, and with 95% of the land held in private ownership, it can be a real challenge finding safe, legal access to these waters.” says TPWD River Access Coordinator John Botros. “We are really excited about this opportunity to create more private-public partnerships while expanding public access to the exceptional fishing and paddling resources that Texas rivers and creeks provide.”
TWPD and participating landowners work together on getting the sites ready for public use and creating a resource conservation plan that guides recommended improvements to parking areas, trails, or river access features. TWPD may pay for some or all of these improvements if funds are available.
For information about the lease program, visit tpwd.texas.gov, find the Doing Business with TPWD menu, and select Grants and Assistance. From there, select the River Access and Conservation Areas Program link.