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NAR Releases Profile of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Buyers and Sellers

Jun 19, 2019

1 min read



In recognition of June as national LGBT Pride Month, the National Association of REALTORS® released its first-ever Profile of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Buyers and Sellers. The report analyzes the differences between LGB and other buyers and sellers. 

Below are some highlights. You can download the full report from

  1. Bisexual home buyers were the most likely to indicate they were first-time homebuyers (58%), followed by lesbian and gay buyers (36%) and heterosexuals (32%). Bisexuals were also the youngest buyers, a median age of 36 years old, and had the lowest median income of $62,400. In comparison, lesbian and gay buyers were the oldest buyers at 45 years old. Heterosexual buyers reported a median age of 44 and a median income of $91,200, similar to $92,900 for lesbian and gay buyers.

  2. Bisexual home buyers were less likely to identify as white/Caucasian than lesbian/gay or heterosexual buyers (77%, compared to 88% and 85%, respectively), and were nearly twice as likely to identify as Hispanic than both groups (13% compared to 7%). Fourteen percent of bisexual buyers were born outside of the U.S., versus 7% of lesbian and gay buyers. Eight percent of bisexual buyers reported speaking a primary household language other than English, more than lesbian and gay buyers (4%) and heterosexual buyers (2%).

  3. Bisexual buyers purchased the smallest and oldest homes, with a median square footage of 1,840 square feet and median year built of 1966. Lesbian and gay buyers followed with a median square footage of 1,900 and a median year built of 1974, while heterosexual buyers purchased the largest and newest homes (2,060 median square feet, 1985 median year).

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