Legal FAQ: How Quickly Must You Remove a Listing?
The Real Estate License Act, TREC rules, and NAR’s Code of Ethics prohibit any misleading or false advertisements. TREC Rule 535.155 (d) (15) states that advertising a property 10 days or more after the closing without including the current status of the property would be misleading or likely to deceive the public. REALTORS® would need to check with their local MLS to see what their specific deadlines are for updating status changes.
If a real estate license holder advertises listings on the MLS or internet and fails to remove or update the listings within the applicable period of time after the listing sells, the license holder could be accused of misrepresenting the status of available property in the advertisement. A real estate license holder might also be accused of misleading the public to believe that the license holder has an inflated number of listings. Therefore, advertisements on the internet that concern listed properties should be promptly removed after the listing sells.