Learn About the Market and Consumers with Texas REALTORS® Research Reports
Did you know that Texas REALTORS® offers market research reports to members? These reports are updated regularly and cover a variety of topics. You can use these reports to better understand housing trends and what prospective clients are doing in specific markets and specialties.
The annual Texas Homebuyers and Sellers Report shares NAR data on Texas buying and selling.
The Texas Relocation Report shows county relocation data for the 43 largest demographic areas in the state.
The Quarterly Housing Report includes MLS statistics from nearly 50 markets. New reports are published in February, May, August, and November.
The Texas Small Land Sales Report includes sales data and expert analysis for the state’s seven regions.
The International Homebuyers Report includes two NAR studies, Census data, and statistics from the U.S. Office of Immigration Studies.
The Texas Condominium Sales Report covers sales in Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio.
The Texas Luxury Home Sales Report reviews sales data for homes priced at or above $1 million in Austin, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.
The Texas Remodel Valuation Report is based on NAR and Remodeling magazine data.
The association also publishes reports on membership demographics.