Language Resources for Real Estate Professionals
Providing the best service to your clients requires clear and constant communication. That can be a challenge when working with people whose first language is not English. Consider the following resources to make the process easier.
Reach a larger audience of multilingual buyers and sellers with NAR’s international language assets for the That’s Who We R advertising campaign. This wide array of social media and print ads is available in Spanish, French, Japanese, Romanian, and Portuguese. nar.realtor/thats-who-we-r/international-language-assets
Share market stats and infographics in Spanish and Vietnamese through MarketViewer, an exclusive benefit for members of Texas REALTORS®. texasrealestate.com/marketviewer
Provide Spanish and Vietnamese translations of frequently used contracts to help clients better understand details of a transaction. Note that these translations are informational only and cannot be used as legally binding documents. texasrealestate.com/realtorforms
Navigate real estate industry terms for Spanish speakers with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals Glossary of Real Estate Industry Terms, an A-Z document of real estate terms with English to Spanish translations. nahrep.org/glossary
Use technology to learn a new language, translate a foreign language, or reach out to a language interpreter for assistance. One of the leading translation technology options is Google Translate, which can interpret text, speech, and images for over 100 languages. You can also try Microsoft Translator or iTranslate on iOS devices. But remember with any of these options that they may not clearly communicate real estate terms to a client. You can work with a professional translator, or you may find that your best option is to refer a client to a REALTOR® who speaks the client’s first language fluently.
Lastly, make sure your clients understand the professional standards and conduct you are upholding as a REALTOR® by offering them a copy of the Code of Ethics in their language. NAR offers 14 translations: Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Search “Code of Ethics translations” at nar.realtor.