Increase Your Referral Business by Making A Good Impression
5 Ways to Make Yourself Memorable to Your Clients
Sometimes the smallest gestures can be the most memorable things you do for your clients. And since being remembered is the best way to earn repeat business and referrals, a little extra effort now can mean more business later. Here are a few ideas to stand out and stay top of mind.
Do delivery
Send a reminder of your thoughtfulness every month, quarter, or year with a subscription to a service that fits clients’ needs and interests. Flowers, pet toys, and luxury beauty items are common subscription offerings. TV-lovers will appreciate a subscription to a streaming service, and busy families may benefit from a meal-delivery kit.
Provide supplies
Whether they’re moving in or moving out, your clients can always use toilet paper. Create a gift basket with common home needs like paper towels, cleaning supplies, dish towels, light bulbs, and hand soap.
Keep them fed
When your clients have no idea which boxes their pots and pans are in, it’s a good time to bring over a meal. From a pizza delivery to a home-cooked healthy meal, they’ll appreciate not having to think about dinner.
Give them an experience
Use your knowledge as a local expert to set up an experience in their town that will make them feel at home. Try things like passes to a local museum or nearby state park, or even a photo shoot with a local photographer in their new place.
Remember their kids and pets
Have buyers with children? Give their parents a chance to focus on a home tour by providing activity books and other toys for younger kids. Have sellers with dogs? Arrange for a dog walker or doggie daycare trip during showings or their open house.