As a REALTOR®, you’ve pledged to protect and promote the interests of your clients—and sometimes that means having to disagree with them.
Disagreeing too forcefully or with the wrong attitude may sour your relationship. Being too deferential may lead to an outcome your client will come to regret, potentially costing you future business. Use these tips to strike the right balance and hopefully lead to a good outcome for everyone:
Start by repeating your shared goal. Let your client know that you haven’t lost sight of your mutual aim and what she wants from the transaction. For example, Let’s focus on how we can remain within your budget while meeting your space needs can signal that your next comment is made with her stated interests in mind.
Approach your disagreement respectfully. First, acknowledge the issue your client is trying to address. Then, ask if you can voice a different view or opinion, which shows deference to your client and lets her know what’s coming. Don’t make a judgment on your client’s opinion or argue with her.
Acknowledge your client’s authority. Ultimately, it’s the client’s decision whether to take your advice or make her own decision. By recognizing that, you’re setting her up to make a decision with all the information available rather than making her feel forced into a course of action.