Homeowners Insurance Likely Won’t Help You After a Flood
Just an inch of water inside an average-sized home can cause $25,000 worth of damage, according to FEMA. Unfortunately for most homeowners, standard homeowners insurance is unlikely to help after a flood.
Flooding can happen almost anywhere—more than 20% of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims come from outside the highest risk flood areas. With flood damage possible from storms, drainage system backups, broken water mains, and changes to the land from new construction, many homeowners would could benefit from flood insurance.
Unlike disaster assistance—which requires a Presidential Disaster Declaration and often comes in the form of low-interest loans—claims through the NFIP never have to be repaid.
Learn more about the NFIP and whether flood insurance is a good idea for you in this FEMA brochure or by contacting your insurance agent.