Hiring someone for drone photography and videography? Ask if they’re insured.
If a drone you were using in conjunction with your real estate business does damage that results in a lawsuit, the plaintiff will probably name you and the drone operator as defendants.
“A commercial drone photographer should carry an aviation policy,” says John Mondics, president of Mondics Insurance Group, Inc., a TAR errors and omissions risk-management partner. “Unmanned aircraft policies typically include bodily injury and property damage liability and privacy liability. Ask to see the certificate of insurance.”
Mondics says many photographers depend on their general liability policy, but that doesn’t cover drone operations. And personal insurance policies typically exclude business operations. “A homeowner’s policy may cover damage to a property, but the homeowner’s insurance company is going to look to the guilty parties for reimbursement,” says Mondics. That could include you.
Even a friend or family member who charges little to nothing for their services is still putting you at risk. “Aviation policies aren’t too expensive,” says Mondics. “For a drone less than 15 pounds, average coverage is $750 a year for a $1 million policy and $2,000 a year for $5 million.”