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Help your clients find the right tenant

Aug 7, 2017

1 min read



Do your clients need to rent a property fast? Help them out by using TransUnion’s SmartMove, a TAR Benefits Partner.

This online system provides a quick leasing recommendation on prospective tenants. There’s no fee to sign up, and you only pay as you use it.

Get a criminal report and credit-based leasing recommendation for $25. Upgrade to a full viewable credit report and eviction report for $35. (The cost of this service can always be paid by the prospective tenant.)

Visit SmartMove’s website to get started.

And TAR members can save $10 off SmartMove’s services by using a one-time discount code that changes each month. Here are the codes for the rest of 2017:MonthDiscount codeAugustTXREALTORSAUGSeptemberTXREALTORS97OctoberTXREALTORSOCTNovemberTXREALTORS117DecemberTXREALTORSDEC

#Propertymanagement #smartmove #memberbenefits #leasing #tenants

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