The Legal Topics Explained video series offers simple explanations of common legal issues in less than one minute. The videos are text only, so there’s no need for audio. Play them during sales meetings, watch them in line at the coffee shop, or loop them on your office’s reception-area monitor.
Access the YouTube playlist at texasrealestate.com/legalvideos.
Here are the eight topics:
The Tenant Broke His Lease. Can the Landlord Keep the Security Deposit?
What Items Stay With the House?
Assistance, Emotional Support, and Service Animals
Can Your Unlicensed Assistant Do That?
What You Need a Buyer’s Rep Agreement
Are You Counting Contract Deadlines Correctly?
What Your Ads Have to Include
#advertisingrules #securitydeposit #unlicensedassistants #terminationoption #deadlines #assistanceanimals #convey #buyersrepresentation