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Executive Board Passes 2020 Budget, Dues Remain Same

Aug 21, 2019

1 min read



The Texas REALTORS® Executive Board met this month and adopted the association’s 2020 operating budget. The meeting marked the culmination of five months of staff and volunteer preparation to ensure that the association maximizes member dues and adds value to membership. Highlights include:

  1. Annual member dues remain at $117.

  2. The Executive Board recommended the continuation of the $5 annual Legal Fund Assessment. This recommendation must be approved by the Board of Directors in September.

  3. The Executive Board recommended the continuation of the $30 annual Issues Mobilization/Political Advocacy Fund Assessment. The collection of this assessment was temporarily suspended in 2019 as Texas REALTORS® took advantage of a one-time source to fund the program. This recommendation must be approved by the Board of Directors in September.

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