Does Your Website Appear Trustworthy to Consumers?
You may have a website for a number of reasons—to generate leads, showcase listings, or display credentials. But how successful the website is at meeting those goals depends in part on whether consumers feel like they can trust it. Consider if the following aspects of your website could be improved to ensure it’s viewed as a reliable source.
Studies have shown that consumers view websites as more credible when they’re aesthetically pleasing. Outdated web design, poor color choices, or difficult-to-read type could be hurting how consumers perceive your website. Take time to look at competitors’ websites you admire to see what you could improve.
Misspellings, grammar errors, missing words, or sentences that don’t make sense can all damage your website’s credibility. Carefully proofread all the copy on your website, and test to make sure all links and website functions work as they should.
Security Features
An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of a website and encrypts information sent to the server. The certificate shows a website’s ownership has been verified and that user data that passes through the site is secure. Websites with an SSL certificate have HTTPS before their web address and may also display a lock icon in the browser’s address bar, both indicators of trust to consumers. You can get an SSL certificate for your domain from a Certificate Authority.
Another security feature is a trust badge. These logos or symbols show a third-party vouches for the security of your website. These may come from the company where you purchased an SSL certificate or from many other sources—the Better Business Bureau has a BBB Accreditation trust badge, for example.
About Page
Have a place on your website where consumers can go to learn more about you and your business. Listing team members, using real photos, and adding some background or history for your business can help build trust.
Contact Information
Using a form for consumers to contact you may be convenient, but listing a physical office address and phone number helps signal to consumers they’re dealing with a real person. Consumers often look for this information to be included in the website’s footer.
Reviews and Testimonials
As a REALTOR®, you likely have reviews and testimonials from past clients. They should be easy to find on your website and, if possible, listed with real names and photos.