Customize the Reports You Create Through RPR
Among the many tools that REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR) provides to members is the ability to quickly and easily generate a number of different report types, such as property reports, neighborhood reports, seller’s reports, and buyer’s tour reports.
RPR also allows you to go a step further and customize your reports. Try these custom details the next time you generate a report using RPR.
Modify Report Elements
Hide specific report items by unchecking the box next to the element under the More Details section of the report generation page.
Upload Cover Page Photos
From the app or the RPR website, upload a photo and select the option to use it for report covers.
Add Custom Pages
Under the reports page on narrpr.com, select General Report Preferences then Manage Custom Pages. You can upload up to five custom PDF pages to insert into reports.
View quick guides, tutorials, webinars and other resources on RPR’s website.