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Can You Sell a Manufactured Home Without a License?

May 16, 2023

1 min read



I’m a licensed real estate sales agent, and I’m working with a client who wants to sell his manufactured home. Do I need to be licensed by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs as a manufactured-housing broker to negotiate the sale of my client’s property?

Whether you need to be licensed as a manufactured-housing broker by the TDHCA depends on the property and your recent transactions.

You can take part in the transaction without becoming licensed as a manufactured-housing broker if three criteria are met:

  1. The home is attached to the real property.

  2. The same person is the record owner of both the manufactured home and the real property.

  3. The sale or lease occurs in a single real estate transaction.

There’s also an exemption to the licensing requirement if those elements don’t apply and you haven’t negotiated any manufactured-housing transactions in the past 12 months.

However, if the above elements don’t apply and you have negotiated any similar transactions in the past 12 months, you would be considered to be acting as a manufactured-housing broker by negotiating this sale and must be licensed by the TDHCA to comply with state law.

#manufacturedhome #mobilehome

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