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Build Relationships With Prospective Clients by Starting Small

May 15, 2019

1 min read



Not all potential clients will be ready to sell a home or sign a lease when they enter your sphere. Here are small steps to build trust in hopes of a productive future relationship.

Help With Property Tax Protests

Offering to help friends and neighbors find appropriate comps to challenge their property tax bills can demonstrate your expertise and earn goodwill that may translate to referrals for other real estate services. 

Share Your Experience

As a REALTOR®, you’ve likely dealt with more real estate related scenarios than most homeowners. Are you versed in city codes? Do you know all the neighborhood amenities? Being known as an all-around resource can keep your name top of mind when prospects are ready to complete a real estate transaction.

Know Who Has Answers

If you get a question outside of your expertise, know who is the right person to ask rather than giving your best guess. Cultivating your own stable of experts on HVAC, plumbing, and other property-related subjects will give you an opportunity to be a resource and come in handy during transactions.

Turn Your Skills Into a Side Business

Do you take your own listing photos? Are you a keen listing description editor? Excel at marketing your business? Those are all services you can offer in addition to your real estate business that give consumers another reason to call you.

Help Consumers Value Their Property

Before making a decision about whether to sell, consumers may be curious about how much equity they have or the current value of their home, which is a natural entry to a relationship that ends in a transaction. 

#networking #prospects

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