Are Open Houses Useful or a Waste of Time? Yes
Neighbors often love open houses. They’ll wander in, check out the kitchen and bathrooms—wow, that’s a lot of avocado green—and grab a cookie on their way out.
You might be thinking, That’s the answer: Open houses are a waste of time. Not so fast. Some people may be there to eat cookies and snoop around, but others know families interested in moving to that neighborhood.
It’s not for everyone
Not everyone likes the idea of people parading through their home on a Sunday afternoon. And it takes a lot of effort to execute an open house, from cleaning and staging to moving your family somewhere else for three hours.
But you never know
One of the biggest arguments in favor of holding an open house is that it increases the visibility of your home. Because you never know where your buyers will come from. They could attend the open house or be the clients of a REALTOR® who visits your open house.
You and your Texas REALTOR® need to come up with a comprehensive marketing plan specific to your situation, with or without open houses.