88% of Landlords Say Renting Properties is Stressful. Does it Have to Be?
In a recent survey of landlords by Porch, a home improvement services company, just over 88% of landlords said they had experienced some stress in renting out their properties.
Nearly 49% of landlords surveyed had been asked to break a lease early, just under 45% have had to evict a tenant, and about 40% have had a tenant who suddenly stopped paying their rent.
While 80% said the revenue was worth the stress, there is a way to reduce that stress—hire a professional.
REALTORS® who specialize in property management are trained and experienced in handling tenant disputes, nonpayment, and evictions—all with as little stress as possible for the property owner. Often property management specialists have case studies that show how their services improved their client’s bottom line.
Select “property management” under specialties on the Texas REALTORS® search page to find a professional in your area who can ease the stress of being a landlord.