3 ways to make your meetings more productive
If you want agents to attend regular office meetings, make sure they’re getting something out of them.
Have a clear purpose and agenda. Define what you want to accomplish in the meeting, prioritize the items you need to address, and distribute an agenda that others can follow and will hold you accountable. The more disciplined your meetings are, the more likely your agents are to find them productive and worth the time invested.
Invite your top producers to speak. Engage your best agents by asking them to share their experiences, lessons, and what they’re working on with the group. Your top producers feel valued, and your new agents gain knowledge and motivation.
Balance attention and the duration of meetings. Your entire agenda may feel pressing, but let a meeting run too long, and you’ll start to lose your agents’ attention to email, client messages, and other distractions. Try to remove items from your agenda that can be handled one-on-one, in smaller groups, or through other means of communication.