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3 Propositions That Deserve Your Vote  

Oct 20, 2019

1 min read



Early voting for the Nov. 5 election starts today (Oct. 21) and runs until Nov. 1. Texas REALTORS® has officially endorsed the following three propositions because of their benefits for real estate consumers and property owners.

State of Texas Proposition 2: Help With Water Infrastructure

This amendment allows the Texas Water Development Board to sell bonds. The association supports Prop 2 because it’s critical for Texans to have access to water that meets state standards.

State of Texas Proposition 3: Property Tax Exemption

This amendment provides a temporary property tax exemption for property owners in areas declared disasters by the governor. Texas REALTORS® strongly supported the legislation that created this ballot measure to help property owners.

State of Texas Proposition 8: Flood Protection Funding

This proposition creates a Flood Infrastructure Fund to develop flood mitigation infrastructure, which will help communities better withstand future flood events. The association supports Prop 8 because it would create a more resilient Texas in preparation for future flooding.

Learn more about all 10 amendments at

#elections #flood #propertytax

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